we drive through the park gates and not even a minute later a herd of elephants crosses the road right in front of us. i pull out my camera to take some snaps and it's just so awkward to maneuver in the truck!! there are people's heads cramming in everywhere to try and get a closer look and i'm all of a sudden terrified at what this will mean for the rest of the drive.. there's a second, much smaller vehicle with us carrying jane, miranda, campbell and jasmine which has an open roof and pretty much a 360˚ view of the surroundings and i know i need to jump in it. it's against the law to leave your vehicle whilst inside the reserve but thankfully our guide makes an exception and that's just what i do.
from then on i'm literally in heaven. the five of us are standing up on the seats, 3/4 of our bodies out the top of the roof, wind whipping our hair back and savannah all around. because our open-sided jeep is so much smaller than the truck we can move much faster and more quietly around, stopping whenever one of us asks to take a picture. i just can't stop smiling.. i'm like a kid at christmas with my camera and new lenses, there's just so much to look at. we were so lucky with our safari and saw a group of lions up quite close, dozing and yawning in the shade.. i really do love big cats. even rolling around apathetically they look so majestic.. we even see a lion couple on their 'honeymoon' banging! the male only lasts 4 seconds, it's pretty funny.
there are giraffe with their little goofy heads sticking up out of bushes, antelope grazing around the place, warthogs trotting around with their big mowhawk-like manes.. there are so many elephants and they're all quite red in colour (which i gather is from mud/dirt).. we also get quite close to a group of zebras who all cross the road ahead of us and we spend a good 15 mins watching a family of baboons climbing on a big tree [one of the babies is awful and looks like a retarded old man gollum/dobby hybrid.. i'm sure you'll be able to tell which one in the snaps].
and ahh it's just big, flat plains stretching out to the foot of mountains in the distance.. typical 'african' flat trees.. red, red dirt and thorny bushes.. a lush, green waterhole filled with birds and a few flamingo.. within a few hours we see so many different areas of the park and it's just a joy to spot the animals as we go. there isn't really much point in me recounting any more as the photos will show you better than i could ever describe, but it really was a magical day and i think we were all pleasantly surprised by how much wildlife we saw..
I'm sooo jealous of you!!
ReplyDeleteso much amazing shots...! the colour of the earth again!...
ReplyDeletelove the last one
the cutest is of course the very noussnouss baby monkey on its mum with butterfly ears ;o))
best landscape (the 14th from top).... so so beautiful...
Bravo à la photographe ! La clarté des photos en étant dans des jeeps ! Les animaux sont vraiment chez eux (j'aurai adoré voir les éléphants qui se recouvrent de cette belle terre). Il y a aussi un gros plan d'un bel éléphant.
ReplyDeletePour ce qui est "une leçon de sciences naturelles" entre le lion et sa lionne, c'est très rare de pouvoir voir cela, car ils n'ont pas peur de vous et ne se sentent pas dérangés dans leur environnement c'est tout le charme d'un safari comparé à un Zoo! Et la triste vérité des carcasses et du nombre d'oiseaux autour !
A part cela c'est incroyable la disproportion des oreilles des petits singes, c'est rigolo.
En tout cas Leïla tu nous fais bien profiter de ton voyage... c'est sympa d'être régulière dans tes commentaires et tes photos superbes, au vif et très différentes, passant des gens, aux animaux, aux couleurs du ciel et des paysages ce qui nous emmène bien loin de la maison ! Avec affection Marraine
tes photos sont de véritables œuvres d'art! Je les regarde à plusieurs reprises et me remplis les yeux et l'âme de beauté. Surtout que cette fois nous n'avons eu aucun commentaire de la semaine! .j'espère que c'est pcq tu avais trop de choses sympa à faire et à vivre et que tu vas très bien,
ReplyDeleteJe trouve magnifique cette dernière photo d'éléphants, avec ce jet de sable rouge, et le fond bleu si superbe! Et l'arbre tout décharné, et avant encore, celui si si beau au bord d'une large route rouge.. Bref, je pourrais les commenter à n'en plus finir, car chaque fois que je les regarde, d'autres détails ressortent..L'antilope si gracieuse, ton si si rigolo petit singe aux oreilles d'éléphant !!!..Et le magnifique plafond si bien rendu de votre ..salle de douche! ces visages, et les jeux de lumière..magnifique photo tu pourrais faire de beaux calendriers.