Saturday, July 23, 2011

day of nothing

thursday morning was hilarious. there were belongings strewn all over camp and people stumbling around trying to find them.. we were to return to sasenyi school to finish the concreting but a handful of us stayed back at camp, me included. it might seem silly but i hadn't really yet taken a day off and on wednesday, despite really wanting to work, there were just too many people and only one wheelbarrow to mix cement in so i got pretty bored.

instead sam and i watched movies and chilled out, and when the others got back in time for lunch it was clear we hadn't missed out on much at all. the afternoon was meant to be wildlife monitoring but once again many of us were bored of being on the truck for hours and stayed back at camp instead.. turns out that once again they didn't see much.

i guess you might think it's silly that i opted to stay at camp but i love the grounds so much and i was really pleased with my day. i've realised i quite miss having the freedom to do what i like without people directing us on where to go, what to do, when to sleep (we eventually get ushered away from the campfire by the night guards), etc. sometimes it's nice to veg out and relax (:

first early night in a while.


  1. tu as bien fait de te donner cette journée de congé et ce n'était pas silly , car c'était aussi une bonne chose à faire, et tu as su "t'écouter " au bon moment sans doute. J'imagine bien comme c'est une expérience difficile en effet pour toi de ne pas avoir la liberté de faire ce que tu veux quand tu veux et que l'on te dicte sans cesse tout ce que tu as à faire etc. Et cela reste précieux comme expérience de vie..Et comme tu as choisi de le faire au bon moment, tu n'as pas râté grand chose ce jour-là! bises

  2. Leiïla,
    I think that part of the experience is also being able to chill out, relax and enjoy a little time of 'farniente' so much appreciated by our Italian friends. This is another simple pleasure of life, just being...

    How wonderful it is to live in your senses, just for a moment. No noise, no interaction, no electronic devices. Just you and the smells of nature, the sounds of the bush and the colours of the land.

    Love, papa
