Saturday, July 23, 2011

more sanctuary maintenance

more sanctuary maintenance today.. once again a bit of a monotonous day. we spent the morning driving around in the truck - the roads are so heinously bumpy - and stopping by trees to go collect seeds for the tree nursery. it was entertaining enough the first time but after over 2hrs of driving and god knows how many stops i think we were well and truly over it.. a lot of people had stayed back at camp and i half regretted my decision to soldier on with work but hey, i'm only here once, a bit of seed collecting isn't going to kill me..

the afternoon was meant to be 'wildlife monitoring' (basically just driving around the ranch and seeing if we spot animals) but we saw nothing too fascinating other than a giraffe here and there.. after a few hours of dullness in the truck we were dropped off at this place called 'sunset rock' so we could watch the sunset. the view around us was incredible as you could see flat plains vanishing off into the horizon but unfortunately the sky was really grey and the only glimpse we caught of the sun was juuuust before it disappeared. it was pretty cool though, massive and so red!!

i think the fact that we have to drive at least a good hour before we get anywhere is starting to take it's toll on us, i'm a lot more lethargic after bumping around in a truck for that long.. but although all in all it was a fairly boring day, i'm still just so glad to be out here.. and the knowledge that after dinner we have time to hang out and curl up in a pile of cushions and mattresses around the fire makes me so happy (: every single night without fail it's been joe, sam and i and every night different people will join us for a while. it's just nice to swap stories, laugh, stargaze, guess how many scorpions are currently surrounding us.. that sort of thing (; it's also just a bit of time away from our big group without needing to follow instructions or whatnot and i think it's meant that we've gotten to know each other a lot better as well (:

1 comment:

  1. Comme tu le dis et le vis si bien chaque fois que la tentation est plus grande de ne pas bosser et de juste paresser..."i'm only here once a bit of seed..( ou n'importe quoi d'autre, selon les cas) collected will not kill me" cela te donne et l'occasion de certaines réflexions, et certaines satisfactions, parfois l'occasion de goûter encore plus un bienfait plus ordinaire..que l'on prend bien trop souvent comme tu dis "for granted":comme avoir de l'eau courante à volonté, ou trouver à l'ècole vos pas géniaux sandwichs ...tout à coup délicieux!!..ou seulement apprécier davantage un repos autour d'un feu ou allongé sous les étoiles et en bonne t'aime ma Louloute.
    Les 2 girafes de profil sont juste incroyables comme position!je ne sais pas comment tu fais pour chopper ainsi LE moment
